Raspberry Pi is a really great gadget with large-scale options of using. That´s why we have chosen it for our D2000 SCADA programming platform and ported a full-fledged real-time application server to a small computer.
We decided to dedicate our latest workshop for this phenomenon in technological world. It was all about D2000 for Raspberry Pi and we showed our clients how to start working.
Just a few of them has previous experiences with Raspberry Pi, but all of them have been working with our D2000. We need to teach them how to start with RPI and how to connect to it with a notebook and prepare D2000 image on SD card, as well as how to start working with this system.
Our colleague Peter Humaj, as an excellent teacher, instructed all participants in very simply way and there were almost no complications with starting an application.
There was also a "one more thing" section - our web expert Marek Gregor showed all participants how dashboards can be configured directly in our SmartWeb interface, without any need for Java or Javascript programming.

If you would like to learn more about working with D2000 for Raspberry Pi, just check our tutorial.
Tutorial D2000 for Raspberry PiBy the way, a new Raspberry PI 4 has just been introduced. A new, faster CPU and optionally as much as 4 GB of RAM - these are the two points that'll further enhance its usability as a SCADA server .