This is only a container for files

(Toto je iba kontajner na súbory  )

Don't delete this article, the pictures are used on reddit forums
Nemažte tento blog, obrázky sa používajú na reddit fóre.

Pictue EMS - KOM processes (33 running, 1 of them remotely, 2 are stopped):

Picture EMS - lines (237)

Picture EMS - stations (2881)

Picture EMS - all I/O tags (65504)

Picture EMS - all objects (158664)

Picture - Uptime of D2000 redundancy - 3999 days

Uptime in May 2024 - 4590 days:

Sysprof - processes

Event with Unicode Emoji characters
Logging window with Unicode Emoji characters
Free space on an 8 TB disk with historical databases (depositories) after data compression was performed in 2023

Screenshot of a Modbus station.

Used in
Used in
Used in

Skype rendering of (Linux):