D2000 12 INFODAY Recap


I’d like to share my positive impressions from the workshop D2000 Infoday 2018 which took place on the 15th of November in the premises of our company – IPESOFT.

More than 30 representatives of our customers and partners took part. Everything was prepared on a professional level (from the marketing and technical point of view, and of course it was people-oriented).

Colleagues responsible for D2000 presented interesting lectures, professionally handled presentations, illustrations, and demos which were often rewarded with applause and accompanied by many questions. I had a feeling that people were entranced by some new features. Eager questions at the end such as ‘When could we install D2000 12?’ only proved that.

Our D2000 design architect, Boris Čonto, opened the workshop with the new version of D2000 12, part of which was an introduction of the D2000 Roadmap, support of operationsystems, databases and others. In the end, he discussed D2000 12 in the context of IT security. P. Humaj continued with presenting support of new communication protocols (Ethernet/IP, OPC UA, IEC61850, Sigfox…) and other possibilities of running and scaling applications on D2000 12, and presenting D2000 as ‘raspberry’. S. Kopinec and T. Bača introduced an effective method of creating graphical schemes in the D2000 12 environment and the DLMS protocol. Marek Gregor gave an idea of D2000 SmartWeb and D2000Cloud issues. The end was devoted to news and plans for 2019 which will be reflected on upcoming workshops, trainings, and other activities.

I want to thank again all colleagues who participated in the workshop preparations,prepared presentations and helped with technical support during the IPESOFT D2000 InfoDay 2018 for this pleasant day full of technical information.

We hope that the upcomingyears will draw in new partners and customers. That constantly motivates us to grow further and creates new visions in the IPESOFT team.